Nadia Fall's


Nadia Fall

Lucy Curtis

With original music created by
Shakka and Tom W Green

The Carne Studio Theatre

Download Cast Sheet 

Relaxed Performance Guide

Friday 7 June, 7:00pm
Monday 10 June, 7:00pm
Tuesday 11 June, 2:00pm*
Wednesday 12 June, 7:00pm
Thursday 13 June, 2:00pm

The running time is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes (plus an interval).

*This will be a relaxed performance. Find out more.

About the show

Bullet doesn't want to call a hostel home. Eritrean Girl was smuggled here in a lorry. Singing Boy dreams of seeing his name in lights and Garden Boy just wants to feel safe.

In 2013, homelessness amongst young people in the UK is at a record high, so when the big society doesn't work ― where do you go? An inner city high rise hostel, Target East, offers a roof.

This is an amateur production by arrangement with Nick Hern Books.

Lucy trained as a theatre director on the MFA Theatre Directing course at Birkbeck, before subsequently moving to Manchester to take up the role of Resident Assistant Director at the Royal Exchange. There, she worked with leading British theatre directors and writers, including Atri Banerjee, Bryony Shanahan, Elizabeth Freestone, Tanika Gupta, Simon Stephens, and Jeanie O'Hare. She was invited to train with the National Theatre Studio and Katie Mitchell as part of the NT director's invite-only course. Lucy has directed for the Park Theatre, Oxford Playhouse, Pleasance, Southwark Playhouse, Royal Exchange Studio, and the Ustinov in Bath.

For drama schools, Lucy was the Associate Dean and MA Course Leader for ALRA. She has directed final year shows at LAMDA, Manchester School of Theatre, ALRA, Rose Bruford and University for the Creative Arts, and assisted Ed Kemp on shows at RADA. She has taught at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Mountview, Fourth Monkey, Italia Conti, and East 15. 

Lucy managed and led on the National Youth Theatre's Stepping Up programme, a targeted-inclusion programme for participants with neurodivergence. Lucy recently published her article on neurodiversity and actor training in 'Theatre, Dance and Performance Training' published by Taylor and Francis. This continues to be Lucy's area of research and specialism whilst continuing her practice at LAMDA.

Nadia Fall is the Artistic Director of the Stratford East. Recent productions include The Village Idiot by Sampson Hawkins and The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars by Dipo Baruwa-Etti.   

She was an Associate Director at the National Theatre from 2015 to 2018, where she wrote and directed Home, a verbatim play about youth homelessness in London. She also directed Chewing Gum Dreams, written and performed by Michaela Coel, and The Suicide, Our Country's Good and Dara, amongst others.

Nadia’s debut feature as director, Brides, is in post-production. As Sky Arts Ambassador for Theatre, Nadia created the inaugural Sky Arts Artistic Associates Bursary. She was the recipient of the Breaking Through the Lens Action Grant in 2023, sponsored by Chopard, and is a Screen Star of Tomorrow 2023.  

Contains reference to murder, death, homophobia, drugs and alcoholism, miscarriage, the care system, homelessness, abortion, suicide, human trafficking, and relational, racial and sexual abuse. This production contains references of violence and racism targeted towards immigrants, Black men and Polish people.

“LIGHT SWEEP” - Written by Wesley Ruthven, performed by Rogue. Licensed by Council Housed and Outrageous Ltd.

“HOME” - Written for HOME by Wesley Ruthven. Licensed by Council Housed and Outrageous Ltd. 

Creative Team 

* LAMDA staff member or visiting artist

Lucy Curtis*

Original Music
Shakka and Tom W Green*

Set and Costume Designer 
Helen Hebert*

Lighting Designer / Production Lx
Avery Elliot*

Sound Designer / PSE
Callum Duncan

Voice Director 
Gurkiran Kaur*

Movement Director
Angela Gasparetto*

Music Director
Ashley Daniels​​​​*

Costume Supervisor
Caitlyn Keaney*

Wardrobe Assistants
Daniella BG*
Laura Quigley*

Wesley Ruthven


Hilson Agbangbe

Eritrean Girl
Mandisa Baleni

Young Mum / Portugal 
Sam Bampoe-Parry

Singing Boy / Ex-Resident
Louis Bisson

Molly Bryson

Madison Coppola

Young Mum's Sister / Asian Young Mum
Krysstina Frempong

Security Guard / Key Worker
Abimbola Ikengboju

Tattoo Boy / Garden Boy
Wesley Ruthven

Production Team

* LAMDA staff member or visiting artist 

Stage Manager on the Book 
Waverley Moran*

Assistant Stage Manager 
Amelia Thorpe

Production Managers
Nic Donithorn*
Steph Siraut*