Teacher Hub
From getting started to booking in exams, we’ve got you covered.
A space for key information for teachers of LAMDA Exams
Teachers from all over the world choose LAMDA Exams for their learners, drawn by the world-class reputation for integrity and excellence, the constant drive for ingenuity and innovation, as well as the tangible effects on their learners.
Here, you will find the most useful information for Teachers of LAMDA qualifications from downloading our syllabi and getting started through to booking in your learners for their exams.
Got a specific question? Head straight to our Teacher FAQs page:
Teacher FAQs Teacher Support Materials Information on UCAS points

Inspire learners
The most important qualification to teach LAMDA Exams is a passion for communication and the desire to inspire learners of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Give reticent learners and inexperienced performers the confidence to find their voice.

Get a knowledge boost
There are no specific training routes. We run regular Syllabus in Practice sessions for our teachers which mix theory and practice so that you can feel confident and inspired. Our syllabi are also available as a free download, or you can buy them and our anthologies in book format from our online shop.

Join the Directory of Teachers
Join the Directory of Teachers - our list of teachers who are offering classes to help prepare learners for their LAMDA Exams. Find out more about joining the Directory of Teachers by clicking here.
How to start teaching LAMDA Exams
How to get started if you have your own venue
It's easy to set up your venue as a private centre to host LAMDA Exams. Discover the step-by-step process here.

Step-by-step: How to get started, promote yourself and book an exam date
The process
Learn how to teach LAMDA Exams
You don't need any specific qualifications to teach LAMDA Exams and there isn't a joining fee. Our syllabi are available to everyone as a download, absolutely free, or you can buy them and our anthologies in book format from our online shop. We also run regular Syllabus in Practice sessions for our teachers which mix theory and practice so that you feel confident and inspired.
Let the world know you’re teaching
Join the Directory of Teachers, our list of teachers who are offering classes to help prepare learners for their LAMDA Exams. You can also download our ‘I teach LAMDA Exams’ graphic to display on your marketing collateral plus we have lots of posters, leaflets and other marketing material.
Go forth and teach
Whatever methods you use, make sure you have fun with your learners to help them stay driven and passionate about learning. Keep checking back to the exam syllabi to ensure your learners really showcase their talents in line with each of the criteria mapped out.
Book an exam at a Public Centre, Private Centre or Remote Online Assessment
You can book an exam at one of our LAMDA Centres, register your venue as a Private centre and have one of our examiners come out to you or book an online assessment. Visit the How to book an exam page (linked below) to book an exam date. There's a different process for face to face exams at our Private and Public centres and remote online assessments.
Once you’re booked in, we’ll send you all the paperwork. Please double check the date and location of the exams and the spelling of all your learners’ names, and let us know as soon as possible if anything is wrong.
What happens on the day of the exam?
To read our full guide on everything to expect from exam day, click the button below.
Exam day checklist:
- Learner Examination Report
- ID (if the learner is over 16 on the day of the exam)
- Legible copies of the pieces you are performing
- Any equipment or props you need for your exam
Useful resources for Teachers
Exams Noticeboard
Find the latest news and updates from LAMDA Exams right here on our noticeboard.
Exam booking tips
We'd recommend booking during quieter periods, you'll avoid the crowds and you're more likely to gain results more quickly.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Did you know that your learners can use their LAMDA lessons and exam preparation time for the skills section of their Duke of Edinburgh award?
[Learners are encouraged to check with their DofE Leader before they start to ensure it meets the requirements for the particular chosen level].
Earning UCAS points from LAMDA Exams
LAMDA Level 3 (Grades 6 to 8) regulated qualifications carry UCAS points.

Where to find the set pieces for Exams
The list of set pieces for each Exam can be found in the corresponding syllabi for each exam, you can download the syllabi as a free pdf via our Download Centre or visit our online shop.
We are unable to verify the suitability of own choice pieces, please refer to the Exam Content and Assessment and Grading Criteria detailed for the exam subject and grade entered.

Have a question?
We want our exams to be fun. If you have any questions, take a look at the most asked ones below, view all our Teacher FAQs here, or visit our Help & Resources page.
If your question is still unanswered, send us an email or request a call-back.
You can book your learners in to take their exams at any one of our LAMDA Centres by filling in the relevant forms on our book an exam page.
If you are booking in a large group of learners to take their exams, you may find it more cost effective and convenient to set up your venue as a private centre. You can find out more about the process and benefits here.
We have exam centres all over the world.
We currently have 32 in the UK, in Bath, Belfast, Birmingham, Blackpool, Bournemouth, Bristol, Burley. Cambridge, Cheltenham, Colchester, Coleraine, Edinburgh, Haywards Heath, Kent (Ashford), Leamington Spa, Leeds, Leicester, Leigh-on-Sea, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Ryde, Sheffield, Stoke on Trent, Stokesley, Swansea and Swindon.
Outside of the UK, we currently hold exam events in: Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Cayman Islands, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Nigeria, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, UAE, Uganda, USA and Vietnam.
For information about LAMDA Centres outside of the UK, get in touch with our exams team.
For those who live without easy reach of a centre, we have online assessments which are accessible all over the world. You can find out more about which of our exams are available for online assessment here.
Yes, LAMDA Level 3 (Grades 6 to 8) regulated qualifications carry UCAS points. Find out more here.
Yes! We launched online assessments in June 2020. These take place over Zoom and are available for most of our solo exams. You can read more about them and find out how to book here.
ExamTrack is the online portal for LAMDA Exams. It allows you to book exam dates, register learners and make payments.
To read our full guide on everything to expect from exam day, click here.
Exam day checklist:
- Learner Examination Report
- ID (if the learner is over 16 on the day of the exam)
- Legible copies of the pieces you are performing
- Any equipment or props you need for your exam
The best way to reach the exams team is by emailing us.
You can also write to us at:
155 Talgarth Road
W14 9DA
United Kingdom
If you are in the UK and prefer to speak on the phone, we have a call back service where a member of our exams team will phone you on your preferred number. You can make your request by using the form here.