Speaking Verse and Prose

About the exam
Our Speaking Verse and Prose learners develop a whole host of skills, from speaking clearly and using voice projection, to improving memorisation and building an understanding of poetry and prose which supports studies in English literature.
As learners progress through the levels they interact with the texts, responding to them with imagination and using body language and expression to engage an audience.
Learners working towards their Level Three grades are delving into sonnets, exploring the life and work of William Shakespeare and discussing his influence, as well as discovering the other writers whose works they are performing.
LAMDA is recognised to award qualifications on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), in Wales by Qualifications Wales (QiW), and in Northern Ireland by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA).
All Speaking Verse and Prose exams are available online.
What does the exam involve?
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 10 minutes
Performing two verses from memory
Answer questions related to the performance. Please see the LAMDA Communication Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024).
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 10 minutes
Performing two verses from memory
Answer questions about the performance. Please see the LAMDA Communication Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024) for full details.
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 15 minutes
- Performing one piece of verse and one piece of prose from memory
- Answering questions related to their performances
Please see the syllabus for full details.
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: Grade 4: 15 minutes, Grade 5: 20 minutes
- Performing one piece of verse and one piece of prose from memory
- Reading at sight a previously unseen text
- Answering questions related to their performances
Please see the syllabus for full details.
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 25 minutes
- One piece of verse and one piece of prose
- Sight-reading a text
Answering questions about:
- Techniques in their performance for breathing, voice, and basic speech production
Please see the LAMDA Communication Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024).
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance:
Grade 7: 30 minutes
Grade 8: 35 minutes
- One piece of verse and one piece of prose
- Sight-reading a text
- One sonnet (non-Shakespeare at Grade 7 and Shakespeare at Grade 8)
- Answering questions related to their performances.
Please see the LAMDA Communication Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024).
Full details of the requirements, assessment criteria and regulations for each grade can be found in the LAMDA Communication Graded Examinations Syllabus.
2024 (in effect for examinations from 1 August 2024)
As part of the 2024 Syllabus update, Learners are able to perform all pieces in the new Acting Anthology Volume 5 and previous Acting Anthology Volume 4, and all pieces in the new Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 20 and Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 19, for first assessment from 1 August 2024.
Resources & Teaching Materials
Explore our FAQs to find out more about our syllabi and qualifications.
The list of set pieces for each Exam can be found in the corresponding syllabi for each exam. You can download the syllabi as a free pdf via our Download Centre or visit our online shop.
We are unable to verify the suitability of own choice pieces, please refer to the Exam Content and Assessment and Grading Criteria detailed for the exam subject and grade entered.
All our syllabi listed below are available for free via download, or you can purchase our full range of publications from our online shop.
You will need:
- Communication Syllabus from August 2024 (for examinations from 1 August 2024)
- Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 19 or Volume 20
These might also be useful:
- Teacher support material, available via the Download Centre
- Knowledge Matters Volume 3
- Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 18