Solo Introductory

About the exam
Our Introductory exams are the perfect start for both young learners and those who have never taken an exam before.
By learning the words of a fun poem from the likes of Michael Rosen and Valerie Bloom our Introductory learners are developing the ability to express themselves clearly while also improving their memorisation and recall.
Not only that, they are also gaining in self-confidence as they talk about the things they love, like their favourite toy, place or book. These conversations encourage our learners to feel at ease with answering questions, listening and using description.
This is a non-regulated examination.
Solo Introductory exams at Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 are available online.
What does the exam involve?
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 10 minutes
- Speaking one set poem from memory
- A short conversation with the examiner, initiated by a favourite toy or object (brought into the room by the learner)
- Describing how to play a game
Please see the LAMDA Introductory Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024) for full details.
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 10 minutes
- Speaking one set poem from memory
- A short conversation with the examiner, initiated by a picture, photograph, drawing or postcard of one of the following: Family, Favourite place, Memorable event, or Favourite animal (brought into the room by the learner)
- Describing a favourite activity
Please see the LAMDA Introductory Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024) for full details.
Type of exam: Solo
Time allowance: 10 minutes
- Speaking one set poem from memory
- A short conversation with the examiner based the learner’s favourite book (brought into the room by the learner)
- Explaining the reasons for their choice of book, their favourite section and favourite character in the book
Please see the LAMDA Introductory Graded Examinations Syllabus (2024) for full details.
Full details of the requirements, assessment criteria and regulations can be found in the LAMDA Introductory Examinations Syllabus.
2024 (in effect for examinations from 1 August 2024)
As part of the 2024 Syllabus update, Learners are able to perform all pieces in the new Acting Anthology Volume 5 and previous Acting Anthology Volume 4, and all pieces in the new Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 20 and Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 19, for first assessment from 1 August 2024.
Resources & Teaching Materials
Explore our FAQs to find out more about our syllabi and qualifications.
The list of set pieces for each Exam can be found in the corresponding syllabi for each exam. You can download the syllabi as a free pdf via our Download Centre or visit our online shop.
We are unable to verify the suitability of own choice pieces, please refer to the Exam Content and Assessment and Grading Criteria detailed for the exam subject and grade entered.
All our syllabi listed below are available for free via download, or you can purchase our full range of publications from our online shop.
You will need:
- Introductory Syllabus from August 2024 (for examinations from 1 August 2024)
- Verse and Prose Anthology Volume 19 or Volume 20