Directory of LAMDA Exams Teachers
Filter the list to find a LAMDA Exams teacher in your area. If your county or country does not appear in the drop down list, it means that there isn't a teacher listed in our Directory. However this does not mean there aren't LAMDA Exams in your area - we are in over 40 countries.
Some of the teachers included in the Directory also teach online. To view the teachers who have specified this, please select 'Teaches Online' on the 'Country' drop down list.
- To join the list, purchase membership here
- Have a question? Read our FAQs for teachers here
- To change your details shown on the list below, email us
While LAMDA Exams doesn’t employ anyone to teach the LAMDA Exams syllabi, we do keep a list of teachers who are happy for you to contact them about getting lessons.
Any arrangements you enter into, financial or otherwise, are done so directly with the teacher and not with LAMDA.
LAMDA cannot accept any liability for the failure to deliver services by any person listed on the directory and any disputes must be addressed with directory contact.
Learners, or their parents, are advised to make their own enquiries directly with the teacher. It is advisable to ask what policies and procedures they have in place with regard to safeguarding.
Find additional guidance on finding and selecting a teacher on the Gov.UK website.
Yve Harford-Brown
CV36 4LW
United Kingdom
Phone number
01608 682232
Mobile number
Zoe Walker
United Kingdom
Phone number
01483 567096
Mobile number
07887 550433